Mrs Terry, Mr Staddon, Mrs Foote and Miss Finn
Hello and Happy New Year!
We begin the first half term of the Spring term with a Geography unit about renewable and non-renewable energy, food sources and settlements, as we consider the question: ‘Is there enough for everyone around the world?’ The second half term will be a History unit answering the key question: ‘How did the Anglo-Saxons change Britain?’
In Science. We will be investigating ‘Space and Beyond’. In Religious Education, we will learn what Muslim people believe about Islam and Iman.
In English, we will be starting a science fiction series of lessons, looking first at a story about an alien landing, full of suspense and intrigue, followed by work on the well-known book, Beegu by Alexia Deacon. We will be developing our oracy skills by practising how to debate and justify our opinions, how to persuade others, and present facts we have discovered. In Maths, we will be looking at fractions, decimals, and percentages. Pupils will continue to have daily arithmetic and times tables practice.
PE will be taught on Wednesdays and Thursdays. After the February half term, it will be Year 5’s turn for swimming lessons on Friday afternoons and then PE will only be taught on Wednesday afternoons. For PE lessons, please make sure your child has suitable clothing for both indoor and outdoor PE sessions. Portuguese will continue to be taught by Mrs Gomes.
In Design Technology, pupils will examine how mechanisms work before designing and creating their own moving toy. PSHE sessions will be focused on the topic of ‘Keeping myself safe’. In Computing lessons, pupils will be creating vector drawings online!
Foxes class will have homework set weekly on a Wednesday, to be collected the following Wednesday. We also expect children to read 5 times a week and have their reading records signed by an adult at home to show this. Pupils are encouraged to practice their multiplication tables on Times Table Rockstars. If it is difficult for your child to complete their homework at home, time and space can be made in school for them to complete it in the week or they can join the after-school homework club on a Monday. Please speak to us after school.
We are looking forward to another fantastic term of learning!
Mrs Terry and Mr Staddon