Mrs Terry, Mr Staddon, Mrs Burns, Mrs Guyett and Miss Finn
Hello Foxes, family and friends!
Welcome back – we hope you had a lovely summer holiday. Foxes class is taught by Mrs Terry on a Monday and Tuesday and Mr Staddon on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We are supported in learning by Mrs Burns, Miss Finn and Mrs Guyett. We have some other fabulous adults working in our class throughout the week: Mrs Gomes (Portuguese), Mrs Morton (Art), Miss Prater (Music) and Mr McCarten (P.E).
In Foxes, we expect the highest of standards in terms of behaviour, attitude, learning and homework. We aim to set the standard for all the other pupils in the school, being positive role models.
In English this term we will be focussing on grammar skills and spelling rules and then writing narratives and a range of non-fiction pieces. We will begin the term by reading the book, The Invisible by Tom Percival, followed swiftly by The boy at the back of the class, by Onjali Rauf. This will link well with our Geography topic about maps and countries of the world, and why people move. After the half term, we will read extracts from ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ and ‘Evacuee’ and poems about migration by Michael Rosen, which will link to our History topic on World War II.
In Maths, we focus on Number: exploring place value, rounding and negative numbers. We then focus on our calculation skills. The children will complete weekly Arithmetic Tests and will continue with multiplication practice.
In Science we will be being investigating materials and their properties. There will be plenty of investigations!
The children will also have PE, Art, PHSE, RE, DT, Computing, Music and Portuguese lessons. The P.E days will be Wednesdays (indoor) and Thursdays (outside).
Homework will be set on a Wednesday, and will be marked the following Wednesday. There is an afterschool homework club on a Monday that will offer support, or if your child is stuck or struggling, they can ask one of the Y5 adults for help and they can look at it one break or lunch time. If your child persistently forgets or does no complete their homework they will do it during lunch time with an adult.
We have the opportunity to put children forward for their Bikeability training. Pupils will need a roadworthy bicycle to do this. There will be a residential to Magdalen Farm, about 7 miles from Chard from Wednesday 3rd July to 5th July 2025. More information will follow. There will also be trips throughout the year to Chard Museum, Chard Library, Yeovil Cinema and Exeter city. These trips all link to your child’s learning.
If you have any concerns or worries, please speak to us. We dismiss the class at the end of every day, or pop a message into your child’s reading record.
We look forward to working with our Y5 families.
Mrs Terry and Mr Staddon