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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


It has been proven that excellent attendance is linked with greater academic achievement and progress. Children who have regular absence, patterns of unauthorised absence, broken weeks of attendance and high levels of absence for minor illness are unlikely to achieve their academic potential.


Manor Court Commuity Primary school prioritises the monitoring, support and robust action needed to secure high levels of attendance and works in close partnership with parents and the Local Authority to improve attendance. Our aim is that every child will have attendance higher than 96% of all possible sessions (mornings and afternoons) each year. When necessary, we place matters before the court, especially in circumstances where parents or carers do not ensure that their child attends school with regularity and punctually.


The following Attendance Phases are a guide for parents on the steps that Manor Court Community Primary School will take to support the regular attendance of pupils at school. At every stage of our attendance phases we welcome the opportunity to engage with parents and carers.


Early intervention and child and family support sits at the heart of our approach to raising levels of pupil attendance.

To view our attendance policy please click on this link below that will take you to our policy page.
