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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Magpies class

Miss Brooke and Mrs Crump

Welcome to Magpies with Miss Brooke and Mrs Crump. The children are continuously working hard and are striving to deepen their knowledge and develop new skills.


In English this term, we will be reading ‘George’s Dragon Goes to School’, ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. We will be writing for a range of purposes including narratives, diaries, character descriptions and much more. We will be learning to use subordinating conjunctions, the singular possessive apostrophe and commas in a list. These will be practised and applied in our writing. 


In Mathematics, we will begin by learning and using strategies for multiplication, to help us recall our two, five and ten times tables. We will then explore division and how these two operations are related. Throughout the rest of the term, we will be learning about fractions by finding 1/4, 1/3, 2/4 and 3/4 of an amount, number and shape and developing our ability to tell the time.


In Science this term, we will be exploring everyday materials. We will look at why objects are made from certain materials and how they can change their shape. Our Geography topic is Oceans and Seas. We will be naming and locating oceans and seas and comparing the human and physical geographical features of different coasts. In History, we will be learning about the achievements of two significant individuals – Mary Anning and Grace Darling to answer our enquiry question ‘Who was more significant?’ We will develop our skills with painting and printing to produce ocean scenes in Art and design and prepare our own healthy lunches in DT. In RE, we will be answering the question ‘What do Christians believe about forgiveness?’. 


Magpies will be taught P.E on a Wednesday and Thursday afternoon.


Please continue to support your child at home by listening to them read 5 times a week and recording this in their reading record. Homework will be set on a Thursday and will need to be handed in by the following Wednesday. 


We hope you have had a restful Christmas Holiday and are looking forward to welcoming you back to Magpies very soon.


Miss Brooke and Mrs Crump.
