Miss Brown and Mrs Crump
Over the past two terms the children have worked extremely hard, especially with learning many new strategies for arithmetic and improving their writing quality and stamina. These high expectations will continue as we make our way through the remainder of the year and many new and exciting learning opportunities, in preparation for Year 3.
Throughout the Summer Term, we will be reading the narratives ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’, ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and ‘The Killer Cat’, among other texts, in English. The children will have the opportunity to write diaries, letters, character descriptions, narratives and other genres. We will continue to develop our understanding and use of key grammar terms, punctuation and spelling rules.
In Mathematics, we will explore money by learning how to make specific values in different ways and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, including giving change. We will learn to tell the time to five-minute intervals, explore positions and directions including making quarter and three quarter turns clockwise and anti-clockwise, and also estimate, measure and compare using the appropriate standard units of measure.
In Science this term, we will begin by investigating what plants need to live and move on to explore different habitats and why a living thing lives in a particular habitat.
Our Geography topic is India. We will develop our place knowledge through studying the geographical similarities and differences between Chembakolli and Chard. In History, we will research and collect evidence to answer our enquiry question ‘Why was Queen Victoria’s reign significant?’ We will continue to develop our understanding of the Christian faith in RE by exploring their beliefs about love.
In Art, we will develop our understanding and use of textures, dye and print and in DT, we will learn to use a running stitch to create our own bunting. Magpies will be taught P.E on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon.
Please support your child at home by listening to them read 5 times a week and recording this in their reading record. Homework will be set on a Friday to be handed in by the following Thursday.