Teaching is driven by assessment and at Manor Court Community Primary School we believe that regular and accurate assessment ensures that teaching meets the needs of every single individual pupil, giving them the best possible chance to fulfill their potential.
The Marking and Feedback Policy ensures children are given written and oral feedback on a regular basis and children are given time to respond to this marking.
There is a formal system of assessing children's progress and attainment from Y1-Y6 to show improvements in attainment in Reading, SpaG, Arithmetic and Problem Solving & Reasoning. Writing is assessed against the Interim Framework and there is regular moderation and book scrutiny (internally and externally) to ensure that assessment is accurate and consistent.
All children are regularly tested on targeted Spellings and Times Tables. Teachers use a full range of information to make accurate assessments of their pupils. This information is then shared with Local Governors to enable them to challenge any under performance in the school.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Phonics is assessed every half term in Foundation using the school’s own test. These results are used to form groups for daily phonics lessons. Number recognition is assessed half-termly and used to form Maths groups. Regular observations are made during activities using the EYLog system and these are used to inform planning and teacher assessments.
Early Years Centre (EYC)
Children are regularly assessed through observations on the EYLog system. Key workers use observations and their judgement to assess all areas of learning every half term. This informs planning and targeted support.