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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School

Online Safety

Internet security is a very important issue to all at Manor Court Community Primary School – we hope every child has a safe and happy experience whilst using the internet.  Our online and E-Safety co-ordinator is Miss Laura Hamilton.


Making sure children are accessing age appropriate content is important as part of our role to educate pupils to become responsible internet users. Below is a chart showing the age restrictions placed on different social media app and services.


How we teach online safety at Manor Court

Here are some links to websites that will help with tips and information about keeping your child stay safe online (please click on the icons to be taken to the individual websites):


Not sure if a certain site is appropriate for your child?  Please follow the below for a list of websites/social media and the appropriate ages of children who can use them.

Advice for parents about screen time

5 Tips to Keep Your Child Safe On The Internet

Do you know how to protect your child from online risks? These 5 tips will help.

Do's and Don'ts When Using Social Networks


Whisper is a reporting tool for online safety concerns run by the South West Grid for Learning. It can be used anonymously if you choose not to give your name. When you click on the button below, it opens a box which you can use to report any online safety issues or concerns directly to us. We'll receive an email notification and then we can deal with what has been reported. This tool can be used by all members of the school community, including children, staff and family members with the aim of making everyone in our school feel safe online. 


