School uniform policy should be followed at all times. Hairstyles should be appropriate for school, no coloured hair, extreme hairstyles. Simple hair bands/accessories for the purpose of holding hair in place only. Long hair tied back preferably.
It is important that all items of clothing are named clearly.
Our school uniform is:
Uniform expectation for all chidren
- White formal shirt for all year groups, apart from Foundation Stage and Year 1 where they can wear a polo shirt for ease of changing (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Navy blue v-neck sweatshirt with school logo (purchased from South-West School wear).
- Black or grey trousers or shorts for the summer (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Navy blue and red tie (purchased from South-West School wear).
- Black school shoes that are leather or leather look – trainers are not acceptable footwear (can be purchased from any retailer).
- White formal shirt for all year groups, apart from Foundation Stage and Year 1 where they can wear a polo shirt for ease of changing (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Navy blue V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo (purchased from South-West School wear).
- Black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Blue checked Summer dress in the Summer Term or black or grey shorts (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Dark colour tights (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Navy blue and red tie if a Summer dress is not being worn (can be purchased from South-West School wear).
- Black school shoes that are leather or leather look – trainers are not acceptable footwear (can be purchased from any retailer).
Please remember that the only item of clothing that needs to be branded with the school logo is your child’s jumper or cardigan. These can be purchased from South-West School wear in Taunton or online at All other items of clothing can be purchased from your preferred retailer in which you believe offers the best value for money.
Hair Styles
- Hair Styles should avoid extremes of fashion. ‘Tram lines’ of any kind and extreme hairstyles (eg Mohican cuts) are not acceptable.
- Earrings should be discreet, plain stud only and no more than two in total.
- Necklaces, rings, bracelets, wristbands are not permitted.
- A wristwatch may be worn.
PE Kit
Children are expected to wear their school PE Kit to school on their PE day.
The following items are the most practical and affordable for all and can be purchased from any retailer that you choose
- White or navy blue t-shirt (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Navy or black shorts (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Navy or black track suit bottoms for wear in cold weather (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Navy or black jumper or hoodie without a logo (can be purchased from any retailer).
- Optional Navy blue Manor Court hoodie with logo (can be purchased from South-West School wear).
- Black, Navy or White trainers or daps (can be purchased from any retailer).
Items with Manor Court Logo are only available to purchase from South-West School wear, Taunton or online at The most up to date price lists can be found below.
The Manor Court Community Primary School uniform policy can be found on the policy page by following this link.