Mental health, emotional health and wellbeing
Manor Court Community Primary School, offers a happy, safe and caring environment. We foster and nurture a unique family atmosphere to ensure all children and staff are valued as an individual. We are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our children and staff.
Through our supporting and caring ethos we ensure all children and staff are treated with respect and kindness, when discussing any areas of mental health. It is our aim for our children and staff to be aware and in control of their own mental health to ensure that all have the chance to be happy and healthy mentally.
It is our belief as a school that all life experiences can have both and positive and negative effect on our mental health. We therefore offer all children and staff access to a range of additional emotional support strategies We take the view that positive mental health is everybody’s business and that we all have a role to play in ensuring this is the norm for all pupils and staff.
Positive mental health and wellbeing in Manor Court Community Primary is supported through principles defined in the simple acronym SOLE.
Self-esteem – We believe that mental health should be person (Child and staff) –centred and thus our ethos starts with the individual.
Often – We have a consistent and regular approach to talking about positive mental health and wellbeing.
Little – We believe that ‘little and often’ will encourage openness and transparency. If children and adults are struggling with their emotional health and wellbeing, or feel mentally well and secure, they will feel confident to share their feelings.
Everyone – Emotional health is everyone’s concern and that everyone is entitled to this support whoever they are.
At Manor Court Community Primary School we:
- Help children to understand their emotions and feelings better.
- Help children to feel comfortable about sharing any concerns or worries.
- Help children socially to form and maintain positive relationships.
- Deal with and resolve conflict effectively and fairly.
- Promote self-esteem and ensure children know that they count.
- Encourage children to be confident and ‘dare to be different’ if they desire.
- Help children to develop emotional resilience and manage setbacks.
- Work and play cooperatively.
- Compete fairly and win and lose with dignity and respect for other competitors.
- Recognise and stand up for their rights and the rights of others.
- Understand and value the differences and commonalities between people, respecting the rights of others to have beliefs and values different from their own.
We promote a mentally healthy environment through:
- Promoting our school ASPIRE values (Ambition. Sincerity. Positivity. Integrity. Respect. Empathy) and encouraging a sense of belonging.
- Promoting pupil voice and opportunities to participate in decision-making.
- Celebrating academic and non-academic achievements.
- Providing opportunities to develop a sense of worth through taking responsibility for themselves and others.
- Providing opportunities on a regular basis to reflect on the principles of SOLE.
- Access to appropriate support that meets needs.
- Ensuring that a member of the Mental Health and wellbeing team is always available at play and lunchtime to talk to.
- Providing a quiet and 'safe place' for all children to spend lunchtimes away from the playground.
- Providing individualised and group support for children based on the 'Nurture' principals.
Lead members of staff and responsible governor:
Whilst everyone has a responsibility to promote the mental health of children, staff with a specific, relevant remit include:
- Mr Alan Clode – Deputy Headteacher and Inclusion Leader/Designated Safeguard lead.
- Mr Luke Talmage – Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguard lead
- Mrs Jo Wilkins – PSHE and Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing lead.
- Miss Laura Gregory – Early Intervention Officer, Mental Health First-aider, Deputy Designated Safeguard lead and Senior Mental Health Lead.
- Ms Kirsty Guyett – Mental Health First Aider.
- Mrs Sarah Burns - Children's safeguarding and Wellbeing council lead.
- Mrs Susan Wakeman - Vice Chair of Governors, Safeguarding, SENd and Mental Health & Wellbeing governor.