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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School

Relationship and Sexual Health Education

What is Relationships Education?


Relationships Education in Primary Schools should teach the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships and relationships with other peers and adults. 


At Manor Court Community Primary we believe that children should learn about relationships as well as the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, human sexuality and sexual health, in an age appropriate way.  This goes beyond learning about relationships to include puberty, how a baby is conceived and born, body ownership and safeguarding.


We teach all aspects of the Department For Education Primary Relationships, Sex and Health Education Curriculum and National Curriculum Science (in an age appropriate manner) using the excellent resources provided by the national charity Coram Life Education's, SCARF programme.  These resources include Health Education as well as non-statutory sex education.  We want each child to be safe, healthy and happy as they grow and in their future lives.

Important information for parents

Relationship and Sexual Health policy

Please click on the link below to take you to our policies page where you will find our most recent RSHE policy.
