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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Eagles Class

Miss Langdown and Miss Smith

Welcome back Eagles! Miss Langdown and Miss Smith hope that you had a lovely Christmas break and are ready to fly into the spring term. We have lots of fun lessons planned for you. 


We will begin our English lessons by looking at the book That Pesky Rat by Lauren Childs. We will link some our writing to our Geography topic; we will write setting descriptions based on the beautifully illustrated A River by Marc Martin as well as write an information leaflet about water safety. After half term, we will focus on non-fiction texts relating to our history topic The Romans. Finally, children will enjoy looking at the graphic novel A Roman Rescue by K.A. Gerrards a stimulus for some narrative writing. 


In maths, we will continue to look at multiplication and division. This will include factor pairs, commutativity and the multiplication of 2 and 3 digit numbers. Other mathematical topics this term include fractions, decimals and angles. We will continue to focus on times tables in order to prepare children for the Multiplication Times table check in the Summer term.  

Prepare for some exciting and disgusting experiments in science, as we will be investigating how animals and humans digest food! We will also look at the different types of teeth in animals and humans and how food chains can be used to identify producers, predators and prey. After half term, we will be looking at states of matter. Experiments will include making careful observations to see how materials change when heated or cooled.  


Our History enquiry question is ‘How did the Roman Empire change Britain?’ We will study Britain’s settlement by the Anglo-Saxons and Scots before focussing on the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. A trip to Taunton Museum will be an excellent way for children to explore artefacts and learn history through a hands-on experience. In Geography, we will be looking at water and rivers. This will include looking at the physical geography of our planet and the water cycle. 


Our new religion in Religious Education is Christianity, where we will explore Salvation, linking with Easter. In computing, we will be focusing on programming and data logging. In PSHE our topic is Being aware of Danger and Hazards. Children will be discussing who keeps them safe and how to look out for dangers. Mrs Morton will continue to use her expertise to deliver exciting art lessons. Mrs Gomes will also continue to teach our modern foreign language, Portuguese. 


We are really looking forward to having you back in the classroom for an action-packed term of learning! 
