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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Eagles Class

Miss Langdown, Miss Smith and Mrs Guyett

Welcome back Eagles! Miss Langdown, Miss Smith and Mrs Guyett all hope that you have had a fantastic Easter break and are ready for the Summer term. We have lots of fun lessons planned for you! 


We will begin our English lessons by looking at the The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. This will be a fantastic novel to help us write descriptively, with a focus on settings and creating atmosphere. After half term, we will look at Joan Proctor Dragon Doctor which links well to our Science topic. We will also be looking at poetry in the summer term.   


In Maths, we will be looking at various forms of measurement. We will then be looking at statistics and how to present information in different ways. After half term, we will be looking at position and direction, describing positions on a grid using coordinates. We are continuing to prepare the children for their multiplication check in June, therefore a key focus is times table recall speed and accuracy.   


As always, we have some exciting investigations to look forward to in science! Our new topic is Living things and their habitats. We will learn the different ways to group animals and take a closer look at the habitat of insects. The warmer weather will encourage us to use the school grounds and its array of hidden wildlife.   


Our History enquiry question is Did the Ancient Romans or Ancient Greeks achieve more? allowing us to apply our knowledge of the Romans from Spring. In Geography, we will be looking at the similarities and differences between Somerset and Greece. This will include taking a closer look at landmarks and coastlines. We will continue with Christianity in Religious Education with a focus on Agape.  


In computing, we will be focusing on using the internet and learn about data logging. In PSHE our topic is Being My Best and then Growing and Changing. Mrs Morton will continue to use her expertise to deliver exciting art lessons, linking our Geography topic with new sewing skills.  


We are really looking forward to having you back in the classroom for a fun-filled term of learning!  
