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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Badgers class

Miss Nakamoto and Mrs Nadeau


Welcome back after the Easter break! Badgers class is taught by Miss Nakamoto (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) and Mr McCarten (Thursdays). Other adults who will be working with the class in the summer term are Mrs Nadeau (Year 5 learning support assistant), Mrs Gomes (teaching Portuguese), Mrs Morton (teaching Art) and Mr McCarten (P.E. coach). 


In Geography this term we will be looking at choices people make when deciding when to settle. This will include field work and orienteering. We hope to take the year group to Chard Reservoir. 


Our enquiry question for History this term is ‘How does the Golden Age of Islam contrast with Britain in AD 900?’ We will be investigating a variety of traditions, stories and art linked to  support our understanding of this. This will build on our Religious Education unit from last term, on Islam. This term in Religious Education, we will be learning about Judaism and how people celebrate and worship in this religion.  


In Science this term, we will continue learning about ‘Animals including Humans’ and we will start a new unit, ‘Living things and their habitats’. This will include the reproduction of plants and humans. We will be delivering Relationship and Sex Education in the second half of the term, supported by our PSHE ‘Life Bus’ visitors.  


In English, we will be writing for a range of reasons based about the story of the Billy Goats Gruff. Although this seems like a simple story, we will be turning it on its head and will be writing persuasive letters to the troll, diary entries from the goats, instructions to cross the bridge safely and investigating whether or not trolls are actually bullies or victims! We will then be reading the novel, The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Phillip Pulman. We will also be entering poetry the children write into the Somerset Literacy Network’s competition. The children will be having daily grammar sessions to ensure they are Year 6 ready by the end of the year. 


We will be encountering lots of new learning in Maths! We begin with geometry, measuring angles using a protractor and then calculating missing angles. We will be looking at shapes and their properties too. We will build in more practice of fractions, decimals, and percentages. Pupils will continue to have daily arithmetic, reasoning and times tables practice as soon as they arrive in the morning.   


PE will be continuing on a Monday and Thursday. We will be taking part in athletic events in preparation for the school sports day. 


Music lessons will continue to be taught by Miss Prater. In Design Technology, pupils will be designing, making and tasting dishes made from pasta! 


Our Manor Court 48 experiences are a water fight (Summer A) and a trip to Exeter (Summer B). Separate letters will follow about each opportunity. 


Foxes class will continue to have homework set weekly on a Wednesday, to be collected the following Wednesday. We also expect children to read at least 5 times a week and have their reading records signed by an adult at home to show this. Pupils are encouraged to practice their multiplication tables on Times Table Rockstars. If it is difficult for your child to complete their homework at home, we offer a Homework Club after school on a Monday – please sign up via ParentPay, or speak to the Office staff. Alternatively, time and space can be made in school for them to complete it during the week. 


We are looking forward to the final Year 5 term of learning, where we will be also preparing your child for their Year 6 journey!   
