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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Herons class

Miss Smith and Mrs Nadeau

Welcome to Herons with Miss Smith and Mrs Nadeau. We are looking forward to an exciting 2025. In Herons we have high expectations of ourselves and each other and are always striving to be better learners.


In English we will be reading lots of fantastic books which will inspire a range of writing. Before half-term, our English lessons will be based on Skellig by David Almond. We will then focus on the Science Fiction picture book Tuesday and The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. These brilliant books will inspire a range of writing including a persuasive letter, a diary and a balanced argument. Spelling, grammar and handwriting will be a daily focus.


In Mathematics our key topics are area and perimeter, geometry, statistics and ratio and proportion. Arithmetic, problem solving and reasoning will continue to be very important skills in year 6.


In History, Herons will be finding out about how the Viking raids changed Britain. In Geography, our topic is trade. We will be learning about how goods travel around the world (trade routes) and how Fairtrade ensures that producers are paid a fair price for their work. This will build on the work on settlement from Y5.


In Science our topic is Animals, including Humans. We will be learning about how the circulatory and digestive systems work as well as how to stay healthy. A nurse will be visiting us as part of this topic.  


Building on the teddy bears which they made in year 5, in DT Herons will be learning how to use blanket stitch to create a phone or pencil case. Our computing topics will be 3D modelling and Digital Literacy. In PE we will cover 4 sports this term: dodgeball, tennis, netball, and athletics. Art will continue to be taught by Mrs Morton.


As part of the MC48, children will learn how to iron a shirt and wrap a present.  In Year 6, children will be set weekly Maths and English homework. They are also expected to read 5 times a week. Homework club will run on a Monday.






