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Mathematics at Manor Court Community Primary

Mathematics at Manor Court Community Primary School

Our Mathematics subject leaders are Miss Langdown and Mr Staddon


Statement of intent

At Manor Court Community Primary we aim to develop the full potential of our pupils to become confident and capable learners who have a passion for mathematics, and who all believe that they are Mathematicians. We aim to equip them with an essential set of skills so that all pupils are successful in further education and later life. 



  • To ensure pupils are fluent in fact recall and calculation 
  • To ensure pupils develop as problem solvers 
  • To develop mathematical reasoning
  • To ensure children have a deeper understanding of the key concepts of Mathematics  


Progression and delivery

Maths lessons at Manor Court Community Primary will include a variety of learning for children to actively participate in. Lessons will include revision of previously taught skills during a warm-up activity. Learning objectives are explicitly shared when appropriate so pupils understand the importance and usefulness of their learning. Lessons will include fluency in various forms, reasoning and problem solving. The children will be able to move through the three areas to ensure a depth of learning and a challenge for all pupils.  


In the Early Years, children are provided with songs and counting opportunities during each session. Children have access to Maths activities within the indoor and outdoor provision to explore independently. Every child’s key worker is aware of their child’s learning and provides next steps. In the Foundation Stage, children complete book work once a week which is personalised to every individual. Children are provided with daily fast Maths session which incorporates key mathematical concepts from the EYFS curriculum and have an opportunity to apply these through problem solving and reasoning.


We ensure that the recall of key number facts is fluent. Before the teaching of multiplication facts, number pairs to ten and twenty are taught in year one with Foundation Stage learning number pairs to five.   Multiplication facts are explicitly taught from year two to year four; their progression is tracked so that any gaps in learning can be addressed. If these skills are not secure by the end of year four, teaching will continue into Years five and six. This prepares pupils for the Upper Key-Stage 2 Mathematics curriculum, where the applications of these skills are essential for accessing other areas of Mathematics.


Calculation is taught explicitly in each year using objectives from the National Curriculum. Each year group will build on the previous calculation methods that the children have been taught. To ensure skills are not forgotten, arithmetic is taught daily so that these key skills in calculation can be retained, and pupils can become fluent. Knowledge and skills are revisited, with children learning a progression of methods throughout their time at Manor Court Community Primary School.


Promoting and developing skills in problem solving and reasoning is another essential aspect of Mathematics at Manor Court Community Primary School. In each Maths lesson there is an opportunity to apply new fluency skill through problem solving and reasoning. In reasoning, pupils may follow a line of enquiry, make predictions and develop an argument for their answer. They will understand how to ‘explain’ and/or ‘prove’ their answers using mathematical language. 


Oracy is used from Early Years to Year 6 as a tool to support learning in Mathematics and develop children’s confidence. Mathematics also interconnects with other subjects such as Science and Geography; pupils will need to be able to apply their skills from mathematics into different subjects and contexts. Where appropriate in the curriculum, Mathematics will be embedded within other subjects.  


Tracking and assessment

Mathematics is assessed each half-term using a mixture of formative and summative teacher assessment. Pupils are assessed against the National Curriculum for their particular year groups. Pupil progress is analysed in Pupil Progress Meetings each term and target pupils are then identified and shared with Phase Leaders. A plan is then devised by the class teacher to meet the additional needs of those pupils. Their progress is then monitored by Phase Leaders over the following term. Children’s recall and retention of the taught curriculum will be monitored and assessed. This will allow staff to ensure that there are no gaps in a child’s learning in that particular year group. 



Intervention in Mathematics can and will be used for a variety of reasons. Firstly, should a child or children need help retaining and recalling the taught curriculum, intervention will allow extra time to ensure this concept is secure. As well as this, interventions can be used to secure key facts that are needed for each year group. For example, times tables and number bonds. Both these areas can be quickly supported through effective intervention. Interventions will be used to ensure children have the depth and security of learning in each year before they leave that year group. 



Our aim at Manor Court Community Primary School is that every child’s needs are met and that every child is given the chance to succeed, wherever their strength lies. It is our intention to give every child the opportunity to experience success in learning and to be the best that they can be. Teachers include all pupils fully in all lessons with all pupils encouraged to access age-appropriate learning; this is done by careful planning, differentiation, support and use of resources. If pupils are working significantly below that of their year group, teachers will plan for their individual needs, taking learning from previous year’s National Curriculum targets. Teachers, leaders and support staff are aware of the lowest 20% of children in the class to ensure the correct provision is given, supporting children to achieve and overcoming any barriers to their learning. 
