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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School

Pupil Premium

Like all schools nationally, Manor Court Community Primary School receives a Pupil Premium Grant for each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals or who has been entitled to over the last six years, for any ‘Looked After Children’ or children of parents in the armed forces (Service Child). We publish online information about how we have used the Pupil Premium. 


At Manor Court Community Primary School we provide high quality education for all of our children regardless of ability or background.  We aim for every single one of our Pupil Premium funded children to reach at least the national expectations in all areas. We aim for this group to achieve above the level at which all non-disadvantaged pupils nationally achieve and we are starting to achieve this goal consistently. We also want the attendance of our pupil premium funded children to exceed the attendance of all non-disadvantaged pupils nationally.

We have largely targeted our additional pupil premium funding on:

  • Ensuring we provide quality first teaching in all classrooms for all children.
  • Targeted intervention for all children where necessary.
  • Excellent pastoral care for the child and when necessary their family.
  • Enriching experiences for all children.


