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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Otters class

Mrs Jones and Miss Warren

Welcome to Otters with Mrs Jones and Miss Warren. We are looking forward to an exciting and very busy summer term.  


Here are some key events which will be taking place this term. Dates will be published in the newsletter- 


  • SATs week. 

  • Enrichment week, including 2 nights at Huish Woods.  



  • Sports day. 

  • Weekly swimming. 

  • Lots of play rehearsals! 



  • Transition visits to secondary school. 

  • Pirates of the Curry Bean performances. 

  • Leavers Service. 

  • Y6 party. 


In English we will be reading lots of fantastic books which will inspire a range of writing. These will include: Wonder, Floodland and Cinderella. Spelling, grammar and handwriting will be a daily focus.  


In Mathematics, will be using the summer term to revise all the key mathematical concepts and will apply these skills to a range of exciting problems. Arithmetic, problem solving and reasoning will continue to be practised daily.  


In History, Otters will be finding out about the Mayan civilisation can be compared to the Golden age of Islam. This will enable us to revise and revisit most of the historical periods which the children have learned about during their time at Manor Court.  


In Geography, our topic is the Americas. We will compare and contrast an area in the Americas with an area in the UK and Greece. 


In Science we have two topics to learn about. The first is Evolution and the second is Living things and their Habitats.  


In DT, Otters will be designing, making, and cooking burgers. In art, we will be developing our painting skills with Mrs Morton. The children will continue to be taught Portuguese by Mrs Gomes. PE will be cricket, basketball, swimming and rounders.  


In year 6 children will be set weekly Maths and English homework. They are also expected to read 5 times a week. Homework club will run on a Monday. 
