The Early Intervention Officer is a part time role and provides practical help and emotional support to families experiencing short or long-term difficulties, with the goal to empower them to address various challenges, ultimately reducing problems and risks. The Early Intervention Officer, is one of the Deputy Designated Safeguard leads and is the attendance lead of Manor Court Community Primary School.
Families are usually referred to the Early Intervention Officer by school staff or other professionals from outside agencies. Self-referrals from parents and guardians can be made through the school office. The role of the Early Intervention Officer varies, depending on the needs of the family requiring support.
The challenges faced by pupils or parents and guardians could relate to:
- Bereavement and caring responsibilities.
- Finance and debt.
- Education and learning.
- Housing and homelessness.
- Marital discord, separation and divorce, including care orders.
- Parenting skills.
- Language barriers.
- Behaviour and social interaction.
- Anti-social behaviour and criminal activity, such as a parent in prison.
- Bullying.
- Domestic violence and abuse.
- Drug and alcohol support.
- Physical and mental health issues, disabilities and learning difficulties.
The Early Intervention Officer will:
- Work with colleagues, health and social care professionals and multi-agency networks to offer a person centred support network.
- Adhere to professional practice standards and legislation, including confidentiality, safeguarding, equality, diversity and inclusion policies.
- Write EHA’s (Early Help Assessments) to ensure accurate chronologies are kept.
- Offer appropriate signposting and referrals.
- Assess parenting skills and help people to build physical and emotional caring abilities through a range of practical activities.
- Help children with learning and development.
- Enhance parents' understanding of different education and play strategies.
- Provide practical home management and budgeting advice to parents.
- Coach, mentor and motivate families.
In addition to family support, the Early Intervention Officer is the school attendance lead. The Early Intervention officer, will track pupil attendance and enforce rules about missed education. By implementing attendance expectations, school attendance will rise and attainment of children will improve.
The Early Intervention Officer will:
- Ensure parents are fully aware of their statutory responsibilities towards school attendance.
- Establish and develop a professional service to support the school in raising attendance, investigating persistent absences and improve punctuality.
- Implement the schools attendance policy, attendance and punctuality phases.
- Work closely with the Head Teacher, to administer attendance policies and expectations.
- Provide an individual service to assist pupils and families who identify as persistently absent.
- Promote a positive attitude by pupils and families towards education.