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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Equalities statement


The Equality ACT 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act.


Manor Court Community Primary School is committed to the promotion of community cohesion at the Academy Trust, local, national and global level.  The school welcomes a diverse population of pupils and staff.  In order to consolidate and build upon this diversity, it is essential that equality of opportunity and the absence of unfair discrimination be at the core of all the school's activities.


The school will not discriminate in the recruitment of general treatment of staff or pupils on the basis of any factor which is not relevant to academic achievement.


Manor Court Community Primary School pledges to respect the equal rights of our staff and pupils to ensure that neither is discriminated against because of their sex, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender or pregnancy.  These 'protected characteristics' have been set out in law in the Equality Act 2010.


The school has consistently high expectations of pupils regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, ability or social background.  Staff are committed to meeting different needs and will take steps to foster good relations, tackle prejudice and promote understanding between people from different groups

