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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Squirrels class

Miss Hamilton, Miss Murphy and Miss Harris 


In Squirrels we show respect, be kind to our friends, look after our classroom and take pride in our work, with high expectations. We are now in our last term, and we are really applying our learning and increasing our independence. Squirrels are starting to prepare, in different ways, for our transition into Year 1. 


In English this term we will be continuing our daily phonics through ‘Jolly Phonics’. Our topic for the first half term is ‘People who help us’. Our focus will be topic themed, that will include the books Zog and the Flying Doctor, A Superhero Like You, Lost and Found, Supertato and The Smartest Giant in Town.  In the last half term, our topic will be ‘Adventures’ where we will be learning and talking about key figures from the past, such as Neil Armstrong and Mary Anning including the book ‘Great Woman Who Changed the World’. As a class we will read lots of pirate adventure stories, such as Aliens Who Love Underpants and Pirate Captain Flynn. 


Our Maths focus will be securing our knowledge of number and numerical patterns, with solving problems and fast recall of our number bonds to 5 and our doubling facts to 5. 


In PE the children will be developing their gross and fine motor skills within different multi skills activities, sports day games and problem solving within physical activities and teamwork. 


Squirrels have an exciting summer term ahead of them! 


Thank you 

Miss Hamilton 
