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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School


Kingfisher Class

Miss Llewellyn, Mrs Wilmington and Mrs Gregory

Happy new year, and welcome back! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday. We are looking forward to another great term in Kingfishers class, working very hard and challenging ourselves even more!


In English this term we will be reading ‘The Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. We will be writing for a range of purposes and audiences, exploring different skills with our writing. We will also have the opportunity to create some amazing artwork based on the book! We will be learning about different grammar skills, how to use a varied and rich vocabulary and much more!


In Mathematics, we will be learning new strategies and skills for multiplication and division and how to count and multiply by ten. We will also be looking at how to measure and tell time using an analogue clock, including with roman numerals, 12-hour and 24-hour clocks.


Our topic in Science will be rocks! We will explore how rocks can be grouped together by their appearance and properties, learn how fossils are formed and be able to explain how soils are made. The children will get to use a range of scientific skills and techniques during this topic. Year 3 will be taught History for the first half term, learning about the changes in Britain that took place from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. In DT we will explore how leavers and linkages work and be able to create our own greeting cards! RE will be focusing on Jewish faith, and what Jewish people believe about God.


Year 3 will be taught P.E on a Tuesday and Friday morning.


Please support your child at home by listening to them read 5 times a week and recording this in their reading record. Homework will be set on a Thursday and will need to be handed in by the following Wednesday.


We can’t wait for another amazing term!

From Miss Llewellyn, Mrs Gregory and Mrs Willmington.

