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Manor Court CommunityPrimary School and Pre-School



Mrs Gomes, Mrs Farwell, Mrs Jobin-Barbor and Mrs Kilde


Welcome back to Dragonflies! We hope you had a lovely Christmas holiday. Dragonflies is taught by Mrs Gomes and Mrs Farwell with support from the amazing Mrs Jobin Barbour. We are looking forward to a happy and productive 2024! In Dragonflies, we expect fantastic behaviour, an enthusiastic attitude to learning and wonderful friendships.


In English, children will continue to have daily phonics sessions which will support them in their reading, spelling and writing. They will continue to practise and develop neat letter formation. Through our English lessons, we will explore a range of writing genres. Children will be taught to write narratives, letters, character descriptions and much more.  Children will be taught the Year 1 grammar objectives, including punctuating sentences and joining clauses with ‘and’. We will also focus on spelling rules and plurals. In Guided Reading sessions, children will have the chance to develop and discuss their understanding of a range of texts.


In Maths, we will focus on Number and Place Value. Children will learn to count, read and write numbers to 100. We will also learn about Money, Geometry and Time. There will be regular practise of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to support children in their timetables in Year 2.


In Science this term, we will be learning about Seasonal Changes and Everyday Materials.  Children will learn to identify and name a variety of everyday materials. We will also learn how to observe changes across the four seasons and describe the weather.


We will do Geography and The United Kingdom in the first half term. After half term, we will focus on History and our enquiry question will be: Why did The Great Fire of London destroy so many houses? Children will be learning about this significant event in history and the impact it had.


Children will also have RE, PSHE, PE, Art, DT, Computing and Music lessons throughout the term. PE is on a Wednesday.

We look forward to another fantastic term!


Mrs Farwell and Mrs Gomes
