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PSHE at Manor Court Community Primary

PSHE at Manor Court Community Primary School

Our PSHE subject lead is Mrs Wilkins

Statement of intent 

At Manor Court Community Primary, we understand that children need to be taught the personal, social, health and economic skills needed to become well-rounded children. We believe that children should be able to understand the world they live in and their role within this. As well as this, we will strive to teach children to better understand themselves their emotional literacy. It is important for all children to be given access to PSHE and emotional literacy. We are committed to providing all children with opportunities to explore and understand their own emotion and their place in the world.  


We understand that children need to be able to develop as individuals in all aspects of their learning. This therefore means that the four areas of PSHE will be covered in detail throughout their time in Manor Court Community Primary. Children will be offered additional PSHE support when and where is it needed. PSHE and Mental Health will be a key part of the curriculum.  


Aims for all children

• Know and understand what constitutes a healthy lifestyle

• Be aware of safety issues

• Understand what makes for good relationships with others  

• Have respect for others

• Be independent and responsible members of the school community  

• Be positive and active members of a democratic society

 • Develop self-confidence and self-esteem, and make informed choices regarding personal and social issues

 • Develop good relationships with other members of the school and the wider community 


Progression and delivery

All children will be taught PSHE as a discrete lesson as well as addressing issues that arise within the normal school week. The teaching of PSHE will follow the scheme SCARF (Coram online) the subjects of PSHE are taught in six clear half termly units. The skills and ideas taught in PSHE will be progressive through each year group and key stage. The delivery of PSHE will be adapted by the teacher to best suit the needs of the class and the subject they are learning about. PSHE will be taught directly once a week in all year groups. RSE will be taught to children in year’s 4-6. This will be done in the summer term and will be taught by the appropriate person or persons.  


Tracking and assessment

Teachers will follow the SCARF suggested half termly plans to ensure that the curriculum is covered and that all children receive the right level of PSHE that they require. Children will be monitored to ensure that any concerns or areas of weaknesses in PSHE are checked and addressed. The school offers extra support for various parts of SMSC. It is the responsibility of the class teacher to raise any concerns areas of a child’s PSHE learning.  



The school offers a range of SMSC interventions that are available to children, who struggle with PSHE. This includes, but is not limited to, interventions such as: Time to talk, mental health well-being champions and communication groups. These interventions are at the discretion of the class teacher and in consultation with the SENCO. Interventions will be targeted at the area of need for the child or children.  



Our aim is for all children to have an understanding of PSHE as a means to understanding their own personal, social, health and economic needs. Teachers differentiate all lessons, adapting them according to their individual class needs. As a proportionate part of PSHE is discussion based, the children are given the opportunities to build confidence and independence from the beginning of their school journey; openly sharing ideas, opinions and experiences as part of whole class and group discussions. Every child is provided with a discussion-based framework enabling them to fully participate in all lessons and take an active role within their learning.  
