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Careers Education at Manor Court Community Primary School

Careers Related Learning at Manor Court Community Primary School 

Our Careers Related Learning leaders are Miss Bagnall (KS1) and Miss Langdown (KS2)

Statement of intent

At Manor Court Community Primary, we understand that Careers Related Learning (CRL) is essential to inspire and prepare children for their future. High quality CRL should foster curiosity, ambition, and love for lifelong learning. Pupils should leave Primary School equipped with the skills, knowledge and attitude necessary to navigate the evolving world of work, both confidently and creatively. It is our mission to integrate CRL into the curriculum through early exposure and opportunity for self-discovery. Reflecting on pupils’ strengths, interests and goals in fun and engaging ways.



  • By the end of Year 6, every child demonstrates an awareness of a broad range of careers and would consider avenues that tackle bias and stereotype.
  • Careers Related Learning is embedded in all areas of the curriculum, ensuring every teacher feels confident in the delivering and discussion of CRL.
  • Long lasting relationships with diverse employers from a range of sectors are developed that represent the local community and whose regular engagement with pupils has measurable impact.
  • Parents and carers receive regular communications about children’s Careers Related Learning and are more confident to talk about the world of work with their child.


Progression and delivery 

CRL is delivered from the early years to Year 6 at an age-appropriate level. Pupils are exposed to a variety of careers and professions, helping them understand the world of work from an early age. Each half term, we have careers focus on a subject within our curriculum; encounters are then organised based on that career’s focus. These can be in the form of an assembly, a video link, external visit or a workshop. All pupils have at least one encounter per half term with an employer.



Careers Subject Focuses
2023-2024Spring BMaths
2023-2024Summer AD&T
2023-2024Summer BGeography
2024-2025Autumn AEnglish
2024-2025Autumn BComputing
2024-2025Spring AHistory
2024-2025Spring AScience
2024-2025Summer AArt & Music
2024-2025Summer BPE
2025-2026Autumn APSHE
2025-2026Autumn BLanguages
2025-2026Spring AOracy


Career ambassadors from every class to help promote CRL in school.  They contribute by sharing feedback and information with their individual year group, as well as supporting with specific projects.


We communicate with parents about CRL through our newsletter and the sharing of photographs via our social media pages (Facebook and X). Parental and community involvement is important to us, and we encourage connections with local professionals to provide insight and resources.


CRL displays help to promote the variety of career paths available to pupils in their future. We encourage children to be curious and have broad ideas about their career paths. Bi-yearly career days help to raise the profile of CRL within the school and local community. These focus on inclusivity and diversity, promoting understanding and appreciation of diverse careers whilst breaking down gender and cultural stereotypes.


CRL assemblies are delivered to the whole school with a particular focus. This may be building career skills, improved understanding of further education or raising aspirations for their future. The career of the week is shared in weekly assemblies and is related to the half term careers focus. This helps to broaden pupils’ knowledge of professions.



We strive to create a learning environment where all pupils feel valued and supported in exploring their career interests. Stereotypes and bias are tackled through CRL learning and we encourage relationships with employers from diverse backgrounds
